Skills and Drill October 18 2024

October 14, 2024 NewslettersSkills and DrillsSteel Challenge

We are on this week and will be working repetitions on draws and reloads along with repeated accuracy requirements. While we only see the odd, draw and engage right away situations in IPSC, the draw is where you establish the grip on your gun, and that grip sets everything else up for the entire time you are shooting. From engaging targets to doing reloads and even moving through a stage with urgency. A bad grip will slow you down in every aspect and reduce repeatable accuracy significantly. By working at these skills, over and over, we build a solid foundation that allows for increased confidence and improvement of scores.

see you Friday!

Register here

Also, don’t forget Steel Challenge on Tuesday nights, this is a great place to work your pure speed on steel targets, we shoot all year wi...

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Skills and Drills

October 7, 2024 NewslettersSkills and Drills

There is no S&D this week as we are traveling, but we are back next week and will be working on grip and draw as well as transitions for the night.

Last week was a great night and it was good to see some lightbulb moments for people on the line. Improvement across the range was seen from all shooters, so let’s keep that up!!




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Skills and Drills is back! October 4th 2024

September 27, 2024 NewslettersSkills and DrillsSteel Challenge

Well the IPSC season is over, time to start training for next year. We will be starting things off with some tests and standards this coming Friday night. Please visit S&D Signup and sign up for the night.

Cost is $25 per person, and you will need at least 250 rounds, a good belt, holster, mag pouches and at least 5 mags and of course a solid, reliable pistol.

I provide the targets, tape and instruction for the night.

This is an open night available to all levels of pistol shooters, so long as you have the basics down, how to load and unload, how to decock or apply safeties as needed, how to draw safely, how to clear malfunctions and reload.

Class starts at 7pm.
Any questions please email me, S&D Info

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Bullets and more

February 20, 2024 NewslettersSkills and Drills

If you are interested in bullets for the upcoming season, please let me know. The bulk of the order will be for 147gr 9mm but others can be ordered too. Shipping is April 19th and orders will need to be prepaid. Please email me at for pricing.

Ginex Primers are on back order, with no shipping date yet.


Classes should be coming back in March, so keep an eye out for that.



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November 16, 2023 NewslettersSkills and Drills

We are on for this weekend,


Friday we will be working the draw and reloads

Saturday night we will be working on transitions and multiple targets


Cost is $25 each night


Please sign up below so we know who’s coming


Sign up here

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